Thursday, November 19, 2015

It's A Process.

I love Pinterest! :)  I found this quote on there at the beginning of the school year & it has been on a sticky note at my desk since then. 
*Learning is a process, not an event*
How true is that? Immediately I thought of my students, but it is entirely applicable to my life as well. It takes time. It takes a lot of things. It doesn't happen overnight. Our mindsets and ideals aren't changed over a good nights sleep. As I am learning the way the school system works here, I get frustrated. It's not the way I am used to. It's not the "right way". 
[[Insert paradigm shift here]]
Sometimes I want the {process} part to go a little faster. Sometimes I do want it to be an {event}. I have been told I am reacting to things here in such positive ways. I would be lying to you if I said it was easy. I have been learning ways to be positive because come on, how miserable would it be if I took a negative approach to things in this beautiful place filled with beautiful people? I think once you realize the importance of important things, you are able to be more positive and committed. Your priorities are in line. When you read the sentence - Learning is a process, not an event - what does that mean to you? Does it convict you to work harder? Be easier on yourself? See your students differently? Alter your teaching methods? Learn from mistakes? Be more patient & understanding? 
This whole teaching experience for me is a learning process. From start to finish. With great anticipation, I look forward to sharing what I have learned about school, students, and this culture with my friends & family. I have little information at this point, but give me time - it's a process. I studied Early Childhood Education in college, and I am now in classrooms with 5th and 6th graders...not exactly early childhood. I learned how to teach Math with manipulatives, not how to teach writing numbers in numerical & word form. I learned how to create an Author's Chair, not how to teach greetings and conversation. Everything is a process. Don't give up. Don't admit defeat. Do. Not. Quit. Oh, the stories and experiences you will be able to share when you push through and face obstacles head on. You will inspire people. People will be appreciative of what you do. Teaching (educating) is not for everyone, so to the teachers reading this, I say THANK YOU. Thank you for knowing that learning is a process and for putting in a crazy amount of time and energy to your teaching. It matters.  

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