Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I Am The Teacher.

If you have been reading my blogs, you are probably aware of the fact I am learning...and learning a LOT. If you want to read this one [which obviously you do, or you wouldn't have clicked the link] :) Then, welcome. This past week I had a realization. You may know this...if not, sorry for spoiling it for you - 
kids can be mean.

Not on purpose. Not intentionally. Not with the motivation many adults have. Well, maybe
You may be thinking it is kind of funny that I can tell you this because, "The kids don't even speak good enough English to insult you or be mean." Incorrect. Very incorrect. Wrong. No. Don't get me wrong here, I love my students. All of them- all sides of all of them. But, can I be honest here? They can be mean. If you're a teacher, can I get an Amen? :) I have struggled with "seeing the whole child" when they do something intentionally to hurt me. I only see the negative. The rudeness. The sarcasm. The disregard for my authority. Don't let it get to me? Okay...that works the first couple times, then what? They are only kids after all. I do not know how middle school or high school teachers do it. Wow. If I think elementary kids can be mean, I know the older they get the worse it gets. Kids. What are ya gonna do? Love on them. Show them respect and concern. Yes, take as much as you can...but when it drives you to tears some days, take a step back. Remember how good, even great students have treated you. Read through notes they have given you. Remember their smile and excitement when they saw you walk into class. How they were excited to learn. When they begged for your approval of their work. When they were nice. Learn from the {mean} moments. Remember how you feel & be sure to NEVER intentionally make a student feel that way. It hurts. My heart is just as fragile as theirs. Words and actions can heal or hurt.  

I am the teacher. I have feelings just the same. What a struggle it can be. What a blessing it can be. I am human, I am a human teacher. My heart feels.

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