Merriam Webster: Brave (adj.) - feeling or showing no fear : not afraid
"You are brave"
I have been told this a lot. I am not bragging- hear me out. I have been told this because I made the decision to physically move to and accept a job in a foreign country I knew nothing very little about. Alone. Well, I assure you it was not an overnight decision. It took a lot of overcoming fears, doubts, and lies to get me to where I am. By my own strength? No. But, the thing is I do not think being brave has to mean doing something big and life-altering. People are brave every single day. In their daily lives. Decisions are made that are difficult. In the face of adversity, the way words are chosen to be bravery. I have seen so much bravery in my few years here on Earth so far. The decision to make a decision is brave.
You. Do. Not. Have. To. Live. Abroad. To. Be. Brave.
If I can inspire others by what I am doing, I will- gladly. But, I want to inspire them by allowing them to see my heart & flaws & dedication & love - not merely by where I am residing. I am thankful to know so many magnificent adults who are brave when being brave is their only option. Getting out of bed may be the most difficult thing for them, but with bravery, they do it. The words, "I love you" may have been abused so heavily in their life, but when they say it, they say it and mean it with their whole heart. Bravery. Keeping priorities in order no matter how difficult or inconvenient. Raising (and deeply loving) a child when every voice you hear is telling you that you will fail. These people are brave. So very brave.
You do not have to do something drastic to be brave. You simply have to make a decision to do something right. Something right in the moment, something right that has long-term effects. Something right to better yourself as a person. Something right when it may seem everyone else took the easy path of choosing the wrong. Be brave. Be courageous. Not for the admiration or recognition from others. FOR YOU. When someone tells you that you are brave, you can respond in whatever way you like, but for me. I will respond with, "Thank you, but it is just something I had to do. I did not do it because I wanted to be brave."
^Referring to the definition at the top of this post, I do show fear. I am so afraid. Being brave does not mean not being afraid. To me, it means being afraid (& accepting the fact that you are indeed afraid) and making a decision to be on your way towards better things.
Well said